Corrie’s Beeritas

Amy posting here, but this is Corrie’s recipe and crowd favorite!

margarittaCorrie’s Beerritas

1 can frozen limeade

1 can frozen lemonade

1 can full of tequila

1/2 can full of triple sec

1 Mexican beer

Combine and pour over ice.


I once put a Sprite in the mix because for some people it was too strong and it tasted pretty good…I like the original version though.


Amy’s addition:  For non-Texans, they need the Sprite addition.  I use Sprite Zero, but club soda and tonic do in a pinch as well. (Image found here)

Corrie’s Beeritas

Beer Bread (that sounds like a good idea already!)

Posted By Ali

I think I win for posting the easiest recipe.  This is a super easy recipe but SO good.  I’m a big dough eater, but FYI, this dough does not taste very good.  However, the finished bread is wonderful…especially sliced very thin and toasted.  I promise my next recipe will be a bit more complex. 😉

Beer Bread

3c self-rising flour
1/2c sugar
1 12oz can/bottle of beer (I think lighter beers work better)
1/2 stick (or less) of melted butter
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix the flour, sugar, and beer.  Place in a greased loaf pan and bake for about 35 minutes.  Pour the melted butter over the bread and bake for about 10 more minutes.
I really think we should try to include photos as much as possible.  Ams, I will take a photo of this next time I make it.  Tomorrow I have to make some cookies, so I’ll take a picture of them and send you the recipe.
Beer Bread (that sounds like a good idea already!)